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Car Removal Sutherland Shire

(Last Updated On: April 15, 2019)

Get Your Salvage Car Removed The Easy Way in Sutherland Shire

Have your car collected from work, home, or wherever’s best for you! After you’ve accepted a quote for your car/van/truck, your local Car Removal Sutherland Shire team will touch base with you to schedule a convenient time to pick up your unwanted vehicle, and answer any questions you have.

Car Removal Sutherland Shire

A Network Of New South Wales Car Buyers Are Looking for Salvage Vehicles, Non Runners, RoadWorthy Failures and Scrap Cars.

ANZ Auto Wrecker aims to make Car Removal Sutherland Shire as simple as possible for our Sutherland residents, which is why every vehicle collection is arranged on a date which is mutually convenient regardless of whether the vehicle is purchased for car buyers or car wreckers in Sydney. We’ve been receiving heaps of questions regarding car removal services and you can go through some of our answers to the most common ones below.

Where-about in Sutherland Can You Collect From?

Wreckers buy cars for cash near me is one of the questions we get asked the most. The local Car Removal Sutherland Shire across Southern Sydney region, can collect from almost anywhere as long as the vehicle is accessible for a recovery vehicle. So whether your vehicle is stored at a friend or family members house, at work or in a storage compound, they can collect it.

We operate from premises in the Fairfield area and will buy cars throughout South & Western Sydney regions: 

My Accident Car is on Side of Road, Can You Collect It?

Unfortunately not. Whilst the Car Removal Sutherland Shire can retrieve vehicles from a variety of locations they do not operate in roadside assistance and therefore cannot collect vehicles from the scene of an accident unless all police clearance takes place.

My Car Is Not At My Home Address.

That’s fine! Our Car Removal Sutherland Shire team can pick up vehicles from car park, garage, office, out of town and anywhere in Sutherland. Just be sure to enter the vehicle’s postcode at the quote stage when you enter your vehicle’s details so that we can ensure that we contact relevant cash for damaged car buyers who operate in your vehicle’s location.

Is Car Removal Sutherland Shire Free of Charge?

Yes. All of Car Removal Sutherland Shire on our network operate with free collections as standard and so the price you are quoted for your vehicle, is the price you will receive, subject to inspection.

Does My Car Have To Be On A Public Road?

Not necessary, however it does need to be on stable ground which is accessible for a recovery vehicle. If your car is kept elsewhere or in a particularly difficult location please ensure that we are aware so that we can advise the truck driver of your vehicle to bring the right recovery equipment to retrieve it.

What Is My Collection Reference Number?

Your reference number will be the registration number of the vehicle you are selling or getting rid of.

Do I Need To Be Present At The Time Of Removal?

No. As long as someone’s there at the time of collection then the collector can retrieve your vehicle. The person present doesn’t have to be the registered keeper or the legal owner of the vehicle, but they will need a signed note from the vehicle owner to state that they are there acting on their behalf together with a form of photo ID (passport or driving license).

Do You Collect commercial trucks?

Most of truck wreckers on our network collect unwanted trucks however you may need to contact us for the most accurate quote and to see if we have any cash for trucks buyer in Sutherland region.

How Soon Can You Collect My Car?

Once you have accepted a quote for your vehicle we will arrange for the collector to contact you directly. This can take up to 2-6 hours but is typically the same/next day. Depending on the collector’s availability this can take anywhere from a few hours, to a few days, however our Car Removal Sutherland Shire aims to tow away the vehicle as soon as possible and will let you know if there are any unusual delays.

car wreckers christchurch

Call us today on 0402 720 203 Or Fill In the Form and Scrap your car in Sutherland Today.

2 responses to “Car Removal Sutherland Shire”

  1. katrina robinson says:

    Hi 2007 Nissan Micra 1.3L has just been written off by insurance company.
    It is the back bar and 1 x back passenger door. Not much damage. Just they have written it off.

    Mechanically very good, just serviced in August. Good Tyres.

    Blue in colour 133,000kms

    I have to get someone to pick it up from the smash repairers. How much would you give me for it and to tow it away? Thanks

    My phone number is 0422055489 Situated in Kirrawee NSW in Sutherland Shire

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Jordan (Sydney)

This is a good and very easy to understand website that can give convenience to people who would like to get rid of their old vehicle. Fabulous job!